Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Writer's block

 Happy New Year!  If Lockdown was a movie, it would be the sort of endless series -like "Fast and Furious" or anything with Bruce Willis in a vest as a friend of mine used to call action movies. Lockdown 3.

I'm trying to keep my sanity, working from home, learning the ropes as a new employee of Gregory Distribution.  Sadly, for me anyway - not wearing my new uniform - but I do get to move around a bit more in email breaks.

Currently I am reading the excellent, fun, surprising (as in lots of facts I didn't know) Limitless by Tim Peake.  I am sneakily reading it as it is actually my Dad's birthday gift - it's a hard back so very forgiving.

Soldier, pilot, test pilot, practical joker supreme.  It wasn't something that I picked up in "Ask an Astronaut" the last book I read by him.

I hope you are all well and coping and please bear with me as I overcome what has been a solid bout of writers' block.

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