Sunday, January 24, 2021

Two Twenty Three Virtual Reality

 Currently I am reading my way through Hosea.  It's probably something I should have thought about but my Bible notes suggest that Hosea's poor wife "has been set up to fail" perhaps - they are the sort of notes that ponder, gently. They suggest looking at the chapter through our own lens is probably what we all do - and how might it be through an abused woman/trans/non binary lens. Never occurred to me. Chapter 2:23 is the verse used for the LGBT gathering that I have had the privilege of attending once in person and now a few times online.

I was out most of the day yesterday, putting 10 miles down for my walking challenges, but early evening I caught up and was, as usual, moved by the talent, sensitivity and sheer joy in the worship and words of those whose hard work makes this possible.  Beautiful coloured candles and prayers which reflected their way through them.  I feel a part of this community somehow.  It's an honour and privilege to hear and see.

This morning I woke stiff from the walking and also from a week at a laptop seated on a kitchen chair.  Despite weekly pilates - I needed a good hot soak.  It was a dark, freezing morning. Sod it, I thought, if I park up in Sowton, I can go get a coffee and walk round the estate, try and get a couple of photos, put a mile or so more on the challenge pre church today.  It wasn't either exciting or safe - the roads and pavement were shining black ice - my car slid, I slid, mercifully the coffee didn't (did I mention the pain au chocolate that I couldn't resist?) Here are a couple of the fun things I saw.

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