Saturday, January 23, 2021

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step

 Not content with starting one challenge, I decided to add another, set to end on 31st December 2021! Lejog or Lands End to John O Groats strikes me as the sort of epic journey that friends with bikes or more leisure time and resources than me make.  But here I can virtually walk the length of Britain, which, as you can see from the postcards, is a very long way indeed.  

It's fun, during lockdown, to have something to aim for, something challenging and larger than the everyday round of wake/eat/pray-read/walk/work/watch TV/read and eat a bit more! SLEEP is the one I missed out here..

Whilst walking around town and then up above Pennsylvania on footpaths, about 8 miles in all, which I split between Hadrians Wall and Lejog challeges, it is nice to picture I am back walking along the wall as I did 5 years ago, or escaping the tawdriness of Lands End which I visited about 10 years ago on a walking holiday - in pouring rain, not even the miserable cafe was open. We walked on.

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