Thursday, July 2, 2020


The weekend was the calm before the storm.  Stores are in chaos - cardboard everywhere. Metal bars in boxed pairs fill the metal shop, glass on stillages ready to be picked up and distributed for screens.  Men in masks mill around the packing benches.  In the offices, the MD has a hair trigger temper - he shouts at the best of times so I am glad I'm downstairs again now. Everyone is tired - I'm accused of unfairness when I put someone down as sick when they definitely were - they don't get paid.  Oh crap.

Most of the guys are grumpy but there's still singing and whistling to the radio.  Mike and Kev moan about working in the factory - I am so relieved that I don't have to - my job is endless repetitiveness, groundhog day feeling but my daily spreadsheet tick sheet list is colouring nicely with deliveries.  I'm looking forward to a break: lunch time I sit with my back to a chunk of rock in a lawn of "dandelions" and something-or-other-bit (sheeps/hawkbit who knows - it's a yellow flower,  clover and miniscule pink flowers. I stare at them and the words on the page and everything blurs a little. 

I have proper time off next week, even if I do wake up the same time as usual!

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