Saturday, July 11, 2020

Deja Vue

It's groundhog day part 2.  I've been furloughed. Again. Probably for quite a while as the current projects at work allegedly don't need an administrator and the only other option was factory work.  I have a healing back and I had no option really - I don't want to damage it and the boss knows that now.  But this time, there are people to socialise with, National Trust card to make the most of until it runs out (I have no intention of it being a generous donation to them - I am going to get my money's worth out of it) And bedroom painting to do.  Slowly of course. The paint I bought a while ago is a different colour to the cream the bedroom currently. Why should "summer linen" be so different to the old "soft linen"?  Soft linen was pale creamy white whereas this is a slightly pinky creamy beige, an unbleached sort of linen.  It will look good I think, with the curtains I bought last year in the B&Q bargain sale aisle.

Gaining a cheerful perspective took a little while. My initial reaction to furlough was shock - although I should have seen it coming; and a drab sort of blueness but having worked two seven day weeks give or take a few hours off - I realised that tired doesn't make for good judgment!

Today a half day in the sun at Budleigh beach with Sandy and her friend Ruth who came for a brief swim - while I minded the rucksacks.  Ruth is a brave all year swimmer and Sandy has a wetsuit so this chicken heart merely dipped feet into the very clear very lovely but freshly freezing water.  Brrrrr.  Watching people getting into wetsuits has to be one of the funniest things in a while - it looked extremely uncomfortable.

To hear the lap and wash of calm waves, to smell salty air, to drink a coffee with a friend.  Such very simple things.  But for both of us it was a gentle return to some normality.

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