Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Birds and feathers

Sparrowhawk and Greenfinch, little egret and sand martins.  A nice haul for this weeks' bird watching.  Even if I did think the sparrowhawk was a kestrel.  I have found that looking around and above, and paying attention to the difference seems to work - robins/blackbirds/wagtails all register as the same olds - these are fairly common,but if I see something or hear something and think "now what's that" then that seems to be when nice things occur.

Today's greenfinch had a feather in her/his beak - no I don't know the difference, sadly.  The bird sat on a branch above me, twirling the feather like someone smoking a cigar after a nice meal.  Flipping heck greenfinch moment!  I haven't seen one for years.  The river Otter walk to Otterton and back always has interesting moments, even if I never see a beaver.  I can always hope.

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