Saturday, July 25, 2020

Looking Seedy?

Not me, I am like a happy shorn lamb with a haircut that is chippy to take account of my rubbish lockdown haircutting attempts.  I heard tales of home colour horrors whilst in the chair, under what looked like a large clear plastic bin liner!  So good.  But on the way to Morrisons, a quick walk in Mincinglake Park tells me summer is doing the job of slowly preparing for a new season.  Me too, sadly as thanks to Covid19 I am jobless. Again.  Totally out of context but "Do not go gentle into that good night.Rage, rage against the dying of the light." (Dylan Thomas) I do rage well - it gets things done once shock has worn off.  My cousin too is a victim of the jobs cull.  That's life sadly

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