Wednesday, March 25, 2020


I'm usually sitting at my desk with a cuppa and bantering with the section heads of despatch, paint, welding and decal App by now as they bring in their time sheets and holiday requests.  I try to get the daily work schedule out by 9.30am so it hits their mail boxes in the factory office, along with any new production instructions for them which are time dated to production dates. They sometimes pick them up early but it's usually done in factory 1/4 hour tea break.  It's really strange to realise that I actually have time.  I can waste it relaxing in the sun with a book during a working week.  I'm sure the novelty will soon wear off!

I bought Mothers' Day reject daffodils as a cheer up for my neglected garden.  I hadn't bought any bulbs last year - too wet, too late, so even if these last a week they are worth it.  As for the paint, I will wait till I can leave the doors and windows open before painting the kitchen.  Can't believe I have the time to do this without cramming it into the two day holiday I had allocated for it.  It's hard  being an active person - I have been listening to "Ramblings" excellent radio 4 walks programme with Clare Balding -to combat Covid19 overload anxiety.  Such a good programme, as is Desert Island discs - which I normally get on catch up due to drinking dreadful church coffee while it's on.  Currently two birds are squabbling out in the yard next door - I hear their raised calls but not sure what it's about - Spring = mating/territory fights I think.

It feels more than a bit selfish, as a fit, healthy person - with underlying asthma - to be home - because the firm is still working - 2 metre rule is fine - and the painters and welders wear comprehensive PPE all day anyway!  But I'd quite like to continue to be fit and healthy and I'm no use to elderly parents/older friends and loved ones if I'm sick, so I will comply...

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