Monday, March 30, 2020

Going on a Lion Hunt?

How politically incorrect?!

As a guide, back in the dark ages, we used to "go on a lion hunt" which is a spoken imaginary trip with putting on hats, swishing through long grass, stamping over bridges, raising our rifle and oh not so good, running away because there is a LION coming after us, so we stamp around, bang chests with fists to simulate running very fast indeed and go home to fall exhausted!  Simpler times!

So today was a kingfisher hunt, up the Ludwell valley park.  I'm ashamed to say I have rarely been here before but it's lovely and open space.  There have been a couple of organised walks around it with a local nature expert and I had been out on one similarly freezing spring and seen a kingfisher down on the brook by Lidls with this guy. So keeping my expectations pretty moderate I looked along the banks for kingfishers.

Not suprisingly I didn't see any but there was a grey wagtail at full stretch of my pretty ordinary camera lens.  Bumping up the colour and contrast haven't improved the blurry image but he/she was so lovely to see and the noticeboard did say they lived here.  Once this is over I hope to contine to walk here as coastpaths are the usual fare for me and this is so very local.

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