Friday, March 27, 2020

Freezing Thinking

Today's super early pre sunrise walk took me up to Ludwell Valley Park, along with a few dog walkers.  Only the coal tits, woodpecker, pigeons, magpies and blackbirds are awake! Spring doesn't care about us, about Covid19 - it just carries on.  God cares but I guess I am not entirely sure what he is up to at present, so I will stick to detailing the colours of his world and the clap winged fly of the pigeon and wood tap of the woodpecker carried on the still and crispy morning air today and helped me breathe deeply and focus for a while.  As did raiding the chocolate stash and finding a Wispa bar!

The 67 number caught my eye - beautiful plate but also the age my state pension kicks in.  I'm planning on retiring at 65 - 10 years time, which seemed a pipe dream and also filled me with "will I like it/cope" thoughts but I think post virus, if I get out fully functioning I will change my priorities to make sure it happens. I have fallen back in love with my home and being out in nature after feeling confined during the wet and sodden darkness of winter. I know I love God and his church - his people gathered together in whatever format, I also love to be outside and to walk, write, photograph. And read of course.  So I have taken the bold step of cutting up my costa card!  I'll still go there but the attaction of getting points lures me in and that's not going to help me - in rainy season that aspiration might change - good coffee has pulled me in many times, but there ARE independant shops and I COULD perhaps invest my money there? Radical thoughts...

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