Thursday, March 26, 2020

Interesting Times

Having discovered that everyone got the same text as me - super anxious, super panic! I'm not in the shielded group woo hoo, so I escaped to the river this morning for a very early 6.30am walk - robin O'clock.  There were courting swans on the river and this little fellow so close that I could take a decent shot.  I love little egrets and the white plumes show up really well.  Spring is carrying on as it normally does and that feels rather surreal given the news this morning that Dyson have switched to mass producing ventilators especially geared to Covid19 victims.  It's bad enough not getting a proper breath during a really bad asthma flare up so my heart goes out to those who will survive with presumably very damaged and fragile lungs.

I'm enjoying having space to read!  Currently I'm reading a book by Adrian Goldsworthy who is a professional historian - this is fiction - it's a page turner in the sense that being a Roman historian, he uses all the technical terms! So I have to turn to the front of the book to discover that Lugdunum is Lyon in France, and to the back of the book to discover what he means when he says the Centurion hero is carrying his "vitis" which is the vine cane of authority and rank he carries.  Why he can't say "vine cane" baffles me.  But actually I'm loving the details - I have always been a Romans nerd.  Sadly it's not a very well written book - it jumps around, he has more pot holed plot holes than the roads round here! But his hero is a strong silent type and he gets up to some James Bond style adventures amongst well described scenery, including at Vindolanda, which I wanted to visit on the Hadrian's Wall walking holiday but couldn't due to walking every day.  We had to pick and choose - a day off or complete the walk - I'm always happy to complete things but missed this sensational museum. 

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