Saturday, December 29, 2018

All is calm...

Christmas wrapped up!  New Year approaches....nothing like stepping outside to observe, in the greyness of the morning that the daffodils are shooting tiny green barbs into the light of day.  That makes me happy.  Currently they fight their way through the greenery of the last of the winter pansies, which were a pretty mixed effort.  Some pots flourished, some languished and it was the same for the ones planted at work.  I guess it's light or water or maybe just a poor batch - Somewhat lacking green fingers, I like to watch them emerge blinking into day sleepy faces on a ruff of colour.

Walking home from town I pass my favourite beech hedge.  It's been fairly brutally pruned lately and the curls of crunchy bronze leaves cling to the clean chopped edges.  I love the soft cotton, silk feel of the new growth as it pushes out the old dead leaves in spring and can't resist stroking the leaves!

There are left over leaves to sweep this afternoon and the Christmas tree to put to bed for another year.  Yes I know it's not 12th night but the coloured lights and nativity scene will stay in their fireplace places. Our "over Christmas shutdown" list from our manager included the instruction to take down the tatty tacky and thoroughly illegal lights and tinsel.  Don't tell the management of the NHS apparently as the lights haven't been checked for a while.

Clearing the clutter in the bookshelves is booked in too.  Setting a reading target on Goodreads of 50 books will give me an aim.  It's an aim I usually achieve and getting the mix of books right depends on the library and charity shops as well as the spiritually more deep and chewy books of church and lee abbey. I know someone at church who reads in a disciplined fashion - biography, spiritual book, novel, non fiction.  Truly impressive! Far too orderly for me: my friends know that planned spontaneity suits me better!

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