Friday, January 4, 2019


Brrrr. That's a more wintery morning temperature.  Lying in bed I contemplate the teasmaid.  As you do when you are 1) on your own 2) too lazy to get up and make a cuppa.

Mum has Dad - he's quite happy to potter around and make tea first thing whenever that is. But when I was living at home, my grandparents gave them a teasmaid.  I googled it - they are apparently "enjoying a revival and have retro styles available".  I remember it hissing and gurgling and I could hear it from my own bedroom, it woke you up before the blare of it's light and alarm. What a bizarre and excellent invention!

I'm not that desperate for tea!  I think about having a house robot - watch the excellent film"I robot" and you might cautiously welcome this idea until the "upgrade" happens and the first duty of the robots is to destroy not protect humans.  Because we are wasteful, violent and flawed. Hmm, interesting.

Should be a possible system somewhere?  My friend has "Hive" which controls her heating from the phone.  Can't be that hard to switch on a pre filled kettle?  What about "Uber" style "rent a butler"?
Oh sod it I will get up it's really not that cold......

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