Saturday, January 26, 2019


Grey swirly skies and a peachy hue splodged with the palest blue.  It's warm and toasty for January and I think the birds are confused: they are certainly singing their hearts out.  I bird watch with my ears a lot of the time, so I "spot" robin, song thrush, blue tit, woodpecker (and spend ages trying to find him in the trees) canada geese on the sticky flooded fields, and a jackdaw fly past.

I tried to walk from Budleigh to Sidmouth but the path is closed due to a collapsed culvert apparently and the alternative path up to Otterton is like walking on solid, sticky, slippy chocolate mousse.  Boot imprints and dog paw prints.  It's not my idea of a nice path so I veer off at White Bridge, and decide that instead of trying to walk to Sidmouth I will go with what's in front of me, see what presents, rather than be a tiny bit grumpy.  Well that's the theory as I slide along.....

The old road up to Otterton is collapsing a bit more each time I walk it.  It's lined with curly, crinkled brown beech leaves and some kind of nut mast or case, I am not great on tree identification.  I could lump up the road to Ladram and Sidmouth but actually it's been a frantic week - and January isn't a time when I or anyone else seems to abound with energy.  Grey. So I march down to Otterton mill for tea and cheese scone (got to be better than the sandwich I brought with me)

Beaver spotting along the river on the way back.  Apparently they have been re introduced.  I can't see one.  Woud be very surprised and delighted if I did though. And the question of the day - where do the Budleigh beach huts go in Winter?  Who spirits them away.  Are they flat-packable?

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