Thursday, December 20, 2018


I've spent nearly a month off facebook.  It's been a useful Advent practice in making life feel less cluttered.  I have had chats with people whose commitment to friendship and the genuineness of one on one interactions makes me question my sanity in being part of facebook. I like to talk, I like to listen.  I also quite like social media - I'm no hermit.  But - I get drawn into the "likes" circus and some of what appears, I really don't "like" or want to fill my brain with.

I choose to select my own level of brain cluttered rubbish! After all, I am very happy watching trash on TV when tired and I love a good box set and feel they are necessary to winter.  So I will be sharing my photos and blogs, taking time to talk to friends and not feeling left out or in any way over ordinary if my life doesn't have the level of social glamour of some friends.  After all, I am someone who haunts costa and reads several books at once and regards parties as a hellish practice.

And if you know me too well, I have just done that ridiculous time saving thing called buying two shirts in different colours!  It's hot in our office, and a pink and a blue polo shirt will sit alongside their navy counterpart quite nicely. I guess that we exhibit our values in our clothes: I cannot be bothered and just like to look neat, groomed and clean: cotton suits me rather than stretchy anything and I've spent 11 years wearing corporate polo shirts so I quite miss them.  I promise to have a more considered approach in the New Year.....

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