Sunday, December 9, 2018

40 Days Mark

I've been working my way through Mark's gospel using a journal format book by Scripture Union. It has blank pages - for stick men drawings, lines for text and space around the scripture passage.  I love it.  More importantly, I've loved discovering the compassionate, questioning, thoughtful, exasperating Jesus in its pages.

So many very human encounters.  The disciples have an argument.  Why were they afraid to ask Jesus about his teaching?  The most considerate, thoughtful, direct and compassionate of men?

Maybe they didn't want to admit to being bewildered by what he'd said?
In over their heads?
To look like the second rate scholars they so obviously were.
Not deep thinkers, but men of work and action.

And maybe they didn't want their shabby, competitive me-first, Alpha male powergames revealed.
Each wanting to be top dog.
Not trusting like a little child - someone bathed, dressed and fed by another.

What had they to lose?
Power, independence.
They might not have liked Jesus' answers. 
But hiding from him?  Secrets fester.

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