Saturday, August 4, 2018

Stop, look, listen, be (a)ware (of trains!!)

I've felt in need of a bit of space and quiet after a busy week of trying to build up my knowledge at work:

This morning I walked along the exe estuary trail - intending to go from Exmouth to Lympstone and take photos and maybe carry on, but I was stopped by barriers and signs explaining the "furry dance" was happening.  I'm guessing this involves morris men and not prancing cats but it meant lunch by the river looking out at the boats and listening to the gentle wash of the water, admiring estuary side washing lines festooned with washing and paper fish! Walking along the trail in the morning, I did the stop look listen as mentioned on the sign.  It was morning quiet, with thin robin song, the creak of my left walking boot, water in the plastic bottle splashing around and the hurtling racket of the occasional train.  Ripple patterns on the water, and the evidence that nature is storing up for Autumn.  There are ripe orange berries, blackberries in the hedgerows, thistledown, sloes and teasel heads.  Every flower seems to have gone to seed and there is a hint of mustard in the air from one yellow plant whose name I sadly don't know.
I realise I've had a brilliant summer.  Barbecues - even ones that don't light, picnics, coffee out, swimming in the sea, walking with friends, sitting in the garden reading.  But I have missed the chance to simply walk and notice what's around me.  That's a solitary pursuit for me and I love it.

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