Wednesday, August 15, 2018


It's raining hooray!!!  I never thought I'd say that. I should be praying and I'm sitting watching grey marbly clouds solidly filling the window.  Rain on glass sounds like rice krispies - sort of crackle and the popping sound as it slides off the glass.  I can hear it drumming on the flat roof and rippling down the drain and the swish of wet car tyres this morning through the open window told me it was damp before I opened the curtains.

The air feels fresher, the plants look bedraggled bless them and I am hoping my colleagues wedding tomorrow won't be a soggy disaster. I've heard a lot about it in the six weeks I have worked there - and the grotty work carpet is strewn with the heart shape confetti we gave her. I think this year I will need to make friends with Autumn.  Last and previous years bouts of depression spoiled my appreciating it and I want to revel in the colours and cools anticipating walking in the Peak District.

Today is the day I get a desk after said six weeks!  Not sure what we will do while the team are trundling around with furniture but it will be nice to have a home.  My colleagues are all wanting to pick desks so, as they are young and I'm not that fussed, I guess I will let them fight over them.  At least I am getting a desk, and my random clutter will have somewhere to go.

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