Saturday, August 11, 2018

Waterproof Skin

This morning I woke to cool, and huddled under the duvet with the nice sensation of cold feet. 
It's been a long time coming, but today we had solid, grey, drifting rain.
Beautiful with fat bulky clouds, puddles on the pavement, the lights and brights of jackets and umbrellas. 
I didn't prepare. 
I came out the swimming pool, with damp hair to summer shorts and a walking top over my polo shirt.  And was grateful, walking up to see a temporarily hospitalised friend, that I could walk, swim and had waterproof skin.

I practiced the luxurious essential skill that is making a multicoloured patchwork quilt of written thank yous.  Coloured pens and a journal and a lengthy sheltering from early cool and damp.  It makes life sweet and I am grateful to have God to thank but I guess it is still a good life skill to have anyway.

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