Friday, July 20, 2018

Our Path

I've signed up for what describes itself as a lifestyle change.  I am wary of pretentious labels but I can see why it calls itself this rather than a diet.  I'm little and only a little bit chunkier than I should be so why bother?  It was designed for diabetics, and, with this in mind, and with both parents in the at risk category and me with the unstable crash and burn of truly dodgy blood sugar regulation, it seemed sensible.  It features dietician advice, online support and the cheapo version I signed up to makes me recycle the step counter I used for the cancer charity step challenge last March.

The handbook and recipe guide arrived in the post.  Two smallish spiral bound blue notebooks crammed with good advice and some nice sounding recipes.  I have had a lifetime so far of eating what I am given and am now considering that the "healthy eating" industrial marketing machine has sold us down the river. Sensible guides on eating whole, unprocessed and low glycaemic index (complex carbs, no sugar) foods, restricting fruit (which I love) and maxing out my vegetable intake along with full on greek yogurt.  The plan starts on Monday and having to curb my carbs makes me nervous.  I had a fear it would be expensive, but the advice is so simple and basic, that, like setting a budget, I assume - which will need road testing - that I will find joy within effective basic "rules"

I think I will miss lots of fruit and milk chocolate.  Dark chocolate is great, but really too "saintly halo" for this newly "converted" non drinker and life time non smoker.  I want at least one good vice somehow.  Apart, of course, from coffee drinking!  We were encouraged to go through our fridge/freezer and cupboards and throw out anything that didn't correspond to the new guidelines.  I am not entirely sure what I think about the fact that I have complied.  It is my health after all, but it just feels a bit worthy some how.  But, if I stay health for longer then I think it will be worth it.

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