Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Building with Lego

When I was little I had a red, square biscuit tin full of assorted lego.  As it was the early 70s, there were blue, yellow, red, green, white and opaque plastic (window) bricks.  They came full size, half size and some little infill sizes like corners, I think.  I seem to remember bits you could use to top out a roof or a wall.  There were little red wheels of lego brick with rubber tyres that annoyingly came off in the bottom of the tin, and various grey and green base boards you could use to build a tower or a rocket.  They weren't very hi tec and part of the fun was digging around in the tin for the different bricks and colours.  At least for me.  I wasn't a great builder - my dad certainly was, and a very patient man too!  I think he probably got as much fun out of it as I did, if not more. I guess he never had anything very special in an extremely poor working class childhood.

So today, I was reminded of the lego tin.  My patient new colleagues are helping me to scrabble around in the multi coloured tin that is a new work situation.  Little collections of blocks are appearing on the baseboard of my experience.  A new project, working out some of the systems, learning names, trying to figure out why there are two dead plants outside the door that no one seems to notice! I am encouraged.  I am trying very hesistantly to learn to "speak tenderly" to my tough on me self and remind said self that my "hard service" in another chunk of my life is finished and a tiny bit of hydration is filtering through the clods of clay

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