Sunday, August 9, 2020

Jacob and Blackberries!

 It's a frabjous day for earlyish morning blackberry picking.  Mainly because it is cool up in Mincinglake Park and climbing gentle, rough ground is my next bit of "training for Pembrokeshire" - getting my iffy back used to uneven ground which it still doesn't like too well.

Lots of blackberries, lots of prickles too and I'm wearing shorts. Not so good! It is a lovely way to concentrate, relax, avoid spending money on a "take to dinner out" present and breathe.  Breathing is good.

The main drag of Mincinglake is broiling hot and it's only 10am.  Definitely to be avoided.  

I had another walk at 5.30am up on Ludwell Valley's rufty tufty slopes.  As I was listening to Nick's sermon on I have no idea where in Micah he mentioned that some word was used for limp - it was super early and I was half asleep - but my mind went back to poor old patriarch Jacob. Since I was also admiring the cornflowers, it just proves you shouldn't multi task.

Like Jacob I wrestle - with ideas - with big books that look intimidating, and with over thinking.  And I remembered that poor Jacob also suffered from a sore hip - his wrestling partner (?God) cheated somewhat and smote him what must have been a cracking blow on the hip.  I can't imagine how that must have been without painkillers!! Poor Jacob limped: did he have L4 nerve irritation too (aka sciatica?) I really hope not. No wonder he comes across as a whinger in his later life.

And I came away home from my lunch with a six pack - of windfall apples to accompany my own over stewed blackberries.

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