Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Jack of all trades?

 My friend Hannah Foley, who blogs at "Owling About" is a Renaissance woman of multiple talents - writer, nurse, parent, grower of veg, lover of the countryside and a lovely person as well.  I have just read her latest blog on the craft of writing and can but feel a little bit overawed!  I'm a hobby writer and taker of photos hence my title but oh both give me huge joy.  Today, having finished the two redecorating projects - my bedroom and the kitchen, I drove to Barrington Court again.

It draws me this place. I've written about it before, taken photos of the interior, used it as an escape after an over-intense conference.  Taken friends there.  I think it is just the lost garden feel, the sense of it being a half finished hidden treasure, deserted and deliberately empty. My feet echo the long gallery boards and I am disappointed that today I am sharing it with others! The intricate, delicate gun-reminiscent lock caught my eye on the way out.

The bronze, golds, russets of the flowers below, the perfection of a water lily.  A butterfly suspended in time, the lazy green light glint on weedy water and the homey colours of the brick stack  slowed my pace, restored my soul. The bees and crickets hum in the grass and it is a good to be alive and forget Covid time.  However brief, however personally uncertain the future is.

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