Friday, June 5, 2020


Today I am working - after my first full week.  I've changed teams three times, moved desks twice, changed working hours and loved the return to banter and some heavy duty teasing that translates to "we missed you"  It seems I've learned to ask for help during lockdown - this week has taxed my spreadsheet knowledge!  So, as a beautiful counterpoint, lunchtime walks provided peace and tranquil photos as the large contract we are working on means both factory and offices are crammed with everyone's friends/relatives/inlaws and children, all packing signs, inputting data and in the case of the "youth club" larking about dancing and looking at their phones (my downstairs drawing office buddy finds the "youth club" infuriating as he's temporarily their supervisor in packing signs.  I just can't read their writing when the delivery notes appear - from one whose writing is notoriously awful

So good to be back! Oh and Sowton is lovely but the photos are closeups as the background is often litter and industrial buildings....

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