Monday, May 25, 2020


Yesterday's walk was a revisit to Woodbury Common - two whole months have passed since 23rd March when, clad in a fleece and jacket and full of pre-lockdown anxiety I marched around a pretty soggy common in equally bright but decidedly chilly sunshine. This time I went walking early again - but to avoid the sun which was hot even at 8.30am in shorts and T shirt.  The drugs I am taking to keep my back recovering are absolute "zombie juice" making me feel rubbish and sleepy so although I did have my camera and (like Dominic Cummings) was safe to drive I didn't think to take binos with me.  Maddeningly the sound of stonechats reverberated all around the walk.  I just couldn't see them for trees and bushes. 

Stalking them, with the camera at full zoom, prepped and ready was frustrating - my walking boots squeak! But this little guy perched and sang, happily at a non camera shake distance and he is particularly handsome I think.  The next bird I would like to see on the common is a wheatear - it's been a while since I saw one.  I have loved the spring and now early summer-ish chorus of birdsong and it is a joy to be driving and walking even if it isn't as far as I would like - maybe I will need to learn to work/walk and drive "under my pain level" for a while longer.  Sunday's sermon reminded me that there is no immunity from pain in this world, and that whatever we do with God we can make a difference - so encouraging to such an ordinary person who oftens doubts there is anything spectacular within them!

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