Sunday, May 17, 2020


 Yesterday was a very exciting day!  Two twenty three virtual LGBTQ+ church.  I'd gone with friends to the real live event in London earlier in the year and to be honest this livestream event with "breakout group" coffee after was terrific.  It was reflective, gentle, thoughtful and encouraging.  I'd spent the week mulling over the story of Elijah taking a 6 week walking trip to have a quiet voice encounter with God on a mountain.  And that's what I remember from the 2:23 event - that same story - have a sleep, have some "cake", get going. So much creativity: photos, art, poetry, birdsong, worship songs and the lovely faces of my brothers and sisters in Christ from across the nation.  My Takeaway from this is definitely to keep trying to listen to the sound of sheer silence, the gentle whisper of a voice - the real honest voice and try not to listen to the "big voices" of my own inadequacy - and maybe have cake!  It wasn't the totally immersive expericne of being in London, being with rediscovered friends, making new friends but it had that same tranquil quality of being able to be honest.  

A while ago - back in 2016 I wrote the following small reflection.  I'd obviously been busy! Now, 8 weeks into lockdown, I guess I am longing to go back to work - as soon as my sore twinging back allows.  Before I get too used to this weird new world.

Psalm 43
For you are God, my only safe haven"

Father I feel so glad that you are the safe haven for me.  I can tie up to the wall of your protection for a while.
I can climb out, refuel, replenish, refresh - take on provision and stores, and wander around without fear.

For within the shelter of your haven, my ship is not storm-battered, and I have no need to fear tide and waves will sink me - you provide peace for me.

But help me remember - haven is not where a ship should be!  That's a guarantor of rust, barnacles and rot.  A ship is for sailing and butting into waves headlong and to enjoy the thrill of a trip or the usefulness of service.

So help me remember that as I long for a week of haven.  I am tired and in need of overhaul and maintenance!  Reset the compass, replenish the supplies and let's go find new places!  I get tired of routine and long for a bit of adventure after too long safe passage!

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