Monday, May 18, 2020

Lockdown Lite

Ok, I want life to go back to normal now.  So here are a few photos that made me smile and also because I am too lazy to write.  Reading Peter May "Lockdown" which is a super trashy thriller written apparently in 2005 and rejected but just reissued.  It's uncanny if he hasn't doctored the text to take account of the current situation; this was written with a background of a potential bird flu pandemic. That's about my head space today!

Oh and I saw a works van with a "no biscuits left in van overnight" sticker - that alone was worth a walk in the sun. The signpost is perfectly reasonable unless you are me and have an inordinate ability to lose yourself - Bridlepaths in all directions.  Luckily it's on Mutters Moor, I grew up in Sidmouth and can navigate back from landmarks and most detours. 

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