The cut away section is for my lovely friend Phyl who took a quiz identifying chocolate bars. And found it so hard because she only likes dark chocolate. No such luck for me! Sounds like a fabulous quiz to me - we have Zoom quizzes now and I do extremely variably on them
Marathon - that's this lockdown isn't it? At the end of 5 weeks I would say this has been the toughest week yet. And I don't know why - aching hip that an osteopath could have fixed in half an hour is only just easing, unable to get masking tape for painting project for May, having to thin and trim my own hair as it's so fine and annoying, little energy because I truly want a hug and a coffee with friends - trivial first world problems - except the hug - we are social beings. And being an annoying irritable oik - to me!! Makes me realise I have quite a temper if I didn't know that already....
I'm loving Exeter's beautiful parks, the flowers, taking photos, and having the luxury of reading for a couple hours each day. Any more and I start calling myself a sofa hog. Currently I'm reading "Vindolanda" another Adrian Goldsworthy "sword and sandals" Roman epic, but so far it seems better written than the end one of the series I'd borrowed from the library. Our hero has a serious drink problem at the start and has just been thrown in a horse trough to sober up before being helped onto his horse to canter out into the unknown...
I'm also still reading the excellent "Bad birdwatchers companion" and have just read the section on woodpeckers and jays. I didn't know Green woodpeckers ate insects so mostly skulk on the ground. It makes me long to see the gaudy Jay - I know it's scream and look for it in oak woods but have never yet seen one to my annoyance. And the green woodpeckers "yaffle" laugh is another I know well and have never seen. But at least I've now seen the Great Spotted Woodpecker!!!
Just about to finish the "Victorian House" which has been so very good. Full of weird facts, including the length of time respectable upper/middle class Victorians spent in morning - death obsession with plumes, crape, mourning jewellery. The section on the sick room and the death by breast cancer of an eminent Plymouth Brethren lady was totally harrowing. Thank God for chemo, for modern treatments and of course for the NHS.
Lockdown: when the highlight of a week is pudding on Sunday. You know that this is a good thing. This week it's collapsed chocolate courgette cake with custard. Oh heck I'd better go for a walk to earn my brownie points towards it!
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