Friday, April 17, 2020

Bluebells & Wild Garlic

Today's mum's birthday and delivering food gives me the perfect excuse to stand in full waterproofs and chat to them.  New normal.  Bless them, they still have books and jigsaws and mum has her own chocolate cake and my own disastrous effort.  (it broke in 3 bits - I ate the goey middle section)

Escaping for a walk afterwards I sniff lilac, gorse and bluebells along the path down to the Byes and can smell the wild garlic before I see it.  There's little fun in wearing full waterproofs on a steamy warm day.  But this is much more like most of my walking life. Crossing over the bridge to Fortescue there is a thrush singing enthusiastically and I've seen dunnock, chaffinch, robin and a great tit.  I feel very guilty driving over - weird guilt since it is a legitimate errand.

The seafront is pretty well deserted.  All the usual elderlies are indoors and the Spring visitors aren't here.  The sea has a sharp dividing line between deep restless grey slate and creamy wave tossed milk chocolate.  The pull back wash sound of the sea on the pebbles makes me heart sick.  I love the sea and miss it.  Sadly being here makes me gloomy and preoccupied.  It's far worse when I can't help those I love but at least they are ok.

 Coming back, I see that facebook is tempting me to this attractive virtual challenge.

walking along the length of Hadrian's wall in a month.  It's a lot of money though and at 7.5 miles a week over a month, it's hardly a challenge!  However, the T shirt looks fun

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