Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter

It's a frabjous day.  Or at least it was early this morning when I got up to see the sunrise and celebrate the resurrection - well, no actually I crawled out of bed very cross at 5am for a cuppa and watched "Welsh Noir" - episode 3 of the 2nd series of Hidden....not exactly an Easter watch but very, very good.

Cross - I am not sleeping.  Coffee in my takeaway cup and out for a walk to the river and the sun is up and lovely, there is cherry blossom and deep magenta magnolia flowers, a moorhen and swan are nesting in the most ridiculous place where they will be flooded out should it rain. And I see "early costa elegant lady" who usually has coffee and a sausage sarnie there on a Saturday morning.  She's lovely.  She reads, drinks coffee and a glass of water and has that air of refined quietness that I always wish I had!!! She probably wishes she had the gift of chatting to everyone they meet......

Happy Easter!! Mark's gospel has my favourite ending, the women go with spices to the tomb really early - fear? Risk? Can't wait to give? Anxious - who is going to roll the stone?  They don't see Jesus - but an angel/young man in white tells them they are in the wrong place - he's not here with the dead.  They are commisioned to go tell his disciples - but they do what I would have done - they flee, bewildered, anxious, very upset - and they don't tell anyone! How real is that? They know dead people don't usually rise.  I suspect good news takes a long time to process, to overcome their profound grief.  They were in the right place, they probably didn't expect much to happen, they were doing the right things - in love.  And what a morning they had.

There will be more "Hidden" welsh drama later, but for now it's Stuart Townend "Come people of the Risen King" & "See what a morning" oh and for sheer vocal gymnastics and out of this world piano playing, an old song Keith Green "Easter Song"  I am so glad we don't have to sing this one - his passion for Jesus puts me totally to shame and his vocal range is unbelievable. 

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