Monday, July 15, 2019

Signs and Wonders

No no not a homage to John Wimber or an overdose of Acts of the Apostles - oh I wish - I am far too "plain vanilla"

But today I got to see the fruit of two months work!  I have spent a lot of time ringing and emailing housing managers patiently explaining what a diameter is (no not measuring around the circumference of a post nor the distance between them) and being super patient when they find additional signage hidden by bushes (which means I need to send the visual packs back to the graphics shop to be redrawn, re approved and then signed off - tedious) or they just say they didn't mean that and can they have a bigger sign saying Private Car Park?? It's hot and sticky in our office and I have grumpily exploded a couple of times as yet more "can I have this one too photos arrive by email.  We have KPIs and the whole project needs to be signed (literally) sealed and delivered by 31st October.

When I'm not liaising with housing managers, I am sending production instructions to the factory.  This makes me intensely nervous: yes, my manager signs off everything and double checks but basically our factory will make whatever I send through into production.  So it needs to be super accurate, all measurements checked, all quantities correct and no room for errors at all.  Certainly not for saying the sign comes with angel and colour matched screws. I was reluctant to change it to angle and colour matched screws, thinking that it would be fun to have a sign with it's own angel.

So when my boss said "oh I need to take some more photographs for the project team" I trailed along like an over excited labrador.  My hands are the hands holding up the signs in the photos sent to the customer's project team, and we carefully checked the production bench didn't have any lewd drawings that would appear in the photos!  Some of these signs are big!! I felt like all the nit picking work of the last couple months was worth it.  I would so love a full time job and the insecurity of this one makes me nervous and derails my joy - if only I was a little more solidly trusting, but there are bills to pay and planning ahead into a fog of uncertainty is super scary.

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