Sunday, July 28, 2019

10,000 reasons

" 10,000 reasons for my heart to find." Matt Redman's song always acts like having one of those defibrillators you see on casualty applied to me! It was one of the songs chosen at my friend Carol's funeral.  Despite the fact that she hated it - I sat through services when we'd sing it with passion and it seemed to occur almost every week for a while when it was "newly minted".  I'd be aware of a very well mannered but inwardly cringing friend, who was slowly dying from liver cancer having to sing "and on that day when my strength is failing/the end draws near and my time has come etc"  And I hated having to know that's how she felt.  Personally I liked the song.  Now it comes with the memory of crying at her funeral.

Songs act like that. I said goodbye to her and played the awesome Kate Bush song "This woman's work" which I now can't listen to.  It is such a powerful song. And Ronan Keating, "you say it best, when you say nothing at all".  When I was 19 year trying to process depression and anger and totally unable to pray I used to listen to U2 live at Red rocks album.  I've got the CD in the car; it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up (metaphorically) Annoyingly, I find, for a non singer who really really struggles with the embarrasment of "sung worship" God has a way of getting under my skin through music.  Massive Attack "protection" a fairly dubious song I'm sure, was God reminding me he would "take the force of the blow" when I was stuck working for the blokes in Transplant.  Not sure what the soundtrack of my current job should be: we listen to radio 2 and I'm no "pop master" like Dave/Dave/Kev and Jan - but I am getting re-acquainted with some old favourites.

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