Sunday, July 7, 2019

Paint and sticking plaster

It's too hot to paint.  That's what Dr Google says after I check why my windowcills look dreadful - streaky, oily, patchy. Crap. It's good paint, Dulux weathershield but like me it doesn't work well in heat and humidity.  So that's another coat to put on in September when it's a bit cooler. Serves me right for trying to smash my way through the neglected chores list and to smarten up the place before the surveyor measures up for my replacement kitchen window.  I've had the house 22 years and the window is knackered - rotten cill, rotten frame.  The sash windows, antiques at 150+ years look on in disdain.  Little do they know I'm planning their demise in the next couple years.  I'm fed up with painting them - badly - they rattle, they don't shut, are draughty and don't open too well. Not exactly fit for purpose.

Like a lot of antiques, they look fabulously classy.  I don't have the heart to tell them their replacements are not upvc sash but top hung casement.  Snooty lot, they wouldn't forgive me but I'm not made of money.  Sitting through 2 1/2 hours of Anglian windows hard sell when oh surprise, the price drops the more times I say "no" and resist hard sell, I am glad for local, honest companies who don't inflate the price and push finance at me.  Sticking plaster finance is more my style: replace what's rotten and save up slowly and hopefully not too painfully for the balance.

I thought basic DIY was something everyone does - until I talked to my hairdresser yesterday, who told me that sanding, filling and undercoating sounded very technical. She tells me she can't go through me losing another job: she cut my hair the day I walked out the call centre that was Taylor Wimpey.  Not sure she's recovered!!!  I'm hoping that one postponed contract doesn't mean what I dread it does as I'm loving being the Lord of all Databases: I was the Lord of the Filing Cabinets in the bladder and bowel unit - same thing, just more hi tech! (see Lord of the Flies or if you prefer "Lord of all the pots and pans" which I think is "practising the presence of God" - Brother Lawrence - always struck me as a fun phrase for an ordinary worker)

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