Sunday, December 5, 2021

Prophets and Profits

 Today is another candle on the wonky Amazon fake greenery Advent wreath.  As a complete newbie to all things traditional, Anglican and higher than the St Leonards end of church, I have learned these candles have meaning - except this seems to vary, depending on which wikipedia source you read!  Nothing strange there.

Personally I like the "Patriarchs/prophets/Mary/John the Baptist explanation for the three deep red candles.  The third one is, apparently, rose - the "joy" candle.  Quite frankly my candle is Barbie pink! The white candle is the middle is the light of Christ and that I light every morning when I pray as it is any excuse to have some light on a dark Winter morning.  For some reason, this fills me with joy.  I have my fairy lights up in the front room and when my non church going friends from work come for dinner, Emily says "you can't have them up, it's not December" I tell her that they are Advent fairy lights !!!  Any excuse for multi colour living room joy.

At work we have corporate Christmas cutouts of snowmen/reindeer/elves and penguins(?) in the appropriate group colours pinned to our "Sneeze screens" and tinsel around everything.  I've been given an Elf crew mug, and Friday's Christmas jumper for Save the Children day.  I love it, I am not scrooge, it's just there is something in me, deeply, that wants to keep Christmas as that twelve days festival that starts on Christmas Eve.  Ex.cept you know I won't.  I will give in and put the tree up

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