Tuesday, November 2, 2021


 A friend of mine, Morag Lobley has a book of "poems and wonderings" published.  It's called "Flames" and is available from Bridge Books or I can get a copy.

It's excellent - Morag writes from her heart as she says in her introduction - and she can certainly write!  There are reflections on bible characters, on current events, and on Jesus.  Most touchingly, there is a section on grief.  I don't have experience of loss like this, but for my own much smaller loss, I have found her poem "Steps" very, very resonant, as a friend has said to me, "Judith would have wanted you to enjoy life" - which she would, of course!

"Steps" Morag Lobley (Flames)

He died..

And I said,

I choose life,

Not knowing how big a step that was.

The next day

 I chose life again

and the next....




Poems drive deep into our hearts.  I used to write, but I find that I can't write that kind of thing so well, so will make do with blogs!  There will be a blog soon on my adventures in the South Hams, when I have a bit of headspace.

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