Friday, November 5, 2021


 It's hard to listen to the news sometimes isn't it?  Domesday has been the theme for so long - Covid19 and now COP26.  

It's very tempting to stick your head under the duvet and pretend it all isn't happening.  It's such a complicated, inter-connected world after all.  Greta Thunberg is well intentioned, but she annoys most of the folks I have worked with - think it is her simplictiy of vision, her contention that we must act, without any idea of the cost implication of how complex societies will implement the ideas she champions.  She certainly annoys me if I am honest.

This week, I have shouted at my TV - some show on saving money and the planet - listing the changes as ground source heat pumps - but "you'd need a big garden" oh and they are ridiculously expensive, electric or hybrid vehicle - expensive and nowhere yet to charge it in Terrace-house land.  What, I wonder, will they do with all the scrapped conventional cars?  Let alone that most mechanics are, apparently, not trained in dealing with this technology.

I did a quick "carbon footprint" calculator  - WWF, because an article on BBC news tells me that the sustainable footprint is 2.3 - well, no surprise that I am above that, even with a simplish life - I drive to work and I don't think 15 miles by bike is going to happen anytime soon.

But, positive, small steps.  I have swapped to a veg box, delivered on a more affordable plan, and a couple of other changes too.  There are some lovely, positive podcasts on BBC sounds that I would recommend - 39 ways to save the planet and also People fixing the planet which is from BBC world service.. From harvesting locusts for livestock feed, to building multi-storey homes with wood, not concrete and many other innovative and genuinely encouraging things.

There is enough doom and gloom in the world even if it is needed.

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