Tuesday, May 11, 2021


 I've just had a quick shop before work, buying cherry tomatoes and crisps, picnic fodder for a couple walking days with my friend Sandy from Gloucester.  To say I am looking forward to it is a bland understatement!  My first "holiday" (at home) with actual company for a while.

Last year I was wearing shorts, definitely. Today I am wearing a work jumper and a hoodie and my hands are cold.  I look ruefully at the walking shorts and think no for tomorrow! I will need to pack rain kit for sure.

I was surprised one morning last week to see a grey squirrel running down the middle of my extremely narrow road - there are no trees, unless you count the ones in Heavitree park and a couple of weedy specimens by Tesco. This one looked out of place. Squirrel was risking life and limb due to the road's aggressive cats. That quirky appearance made my day- the usual fare of the road is sparrows, crows, seagulls and the aforementioned cats.

Today's delight was of a different order - a thin, red brown delight - an urban fox with a beautiful tail:


He streaked out across the road in front of me and disappeared between parked cars, obviously enough food to sustain him or indeed her.  I really apreciate seeing wildlife and it has made my day and given me reason to blog - another chance to practise something a bit creative before a day of booking hotels, arguing about the price of hire cars and trying to be patient!!

 I once saw a sparrowhawk sitting on my backyard wall and this has been a similar delight - something really unexpectedly wild in a very cramped urban setting.

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