Friday, May 7, 2021

Through a glass darkly?

 Then we shall see face to face?

Have I lost the plot?  Probably.  This famous quote from the bible book of Corinthians was read in "prayer for the day" yesterday morning - which means I had a fairly early breakfast or was still in bed maybe!  It was an interesting interlude to a morning and Fiona Stewart who was presenting, mentioned losing herselfj in Wolf Hall, Hilary Mantel's brilliant Tudor study of Thomas Cromwell.  There is a link here - the third volume is the "Mirror and the light" It's just arrived with me now - a well used birthday online voucher!  Can't wait to start it!

Other things this week link to this oh so Transparent a theme - final snagging to my beautiful and very transparent new double glazing, It has only taken me 23 years to replace the windows!!  It is somewhat inevitable that the seagulls have now crapped all down the new back door and one of the kitchen windows.  Out I went, with soapy water - I kn'ow I will get used to it, but currently they are just too new to leave besmirched. The seagulls also dig moss out of all our gutters and trash the rubbish bags.  Wish someone could cull a few of them. I cannot believe how quiet it is with windows that fit, and how the curtains don't stir in the gap above the ill fitting front room window now it is a snug fitting double glazed unit.  As you can tell, I am very pleased.

It's a good job I could work at home, as two days ago I picked up a stone chip in my windscreen, which has widened to a crack.  Right across my sight line.  Too unnerving to risk going up the motorway.  I have booked it in with Autoglass but, narrow roads like mine mean I have to take it to the depot.  That is a whole weeks' wait but mercifully I have time off walking with a friend next week.  I will bribe her with coffee and bacon sarnies so that she drives.  That is my kind of currency..

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