Sunday, September 6, 2020

Up close and beautiful


The very nice thing about online church is that you can listen and worship later in the day than the stated service time! So this morning before the rain set in I walked along the Tiverton canal to "get my steps up" and get a little bit more distance walking.  Well that was the intention pre pouring rain and being totally distracted by the wildlife.

Wildlife camera people must spend hours and even days to get the perfect shots we so casually watch - my limit was shamefully five minutes watching this juvenile, non plumed heron tentatively stabbing the water with his fishing spear beak.  He wasn't very good - mostly he seemed to catch weed.  Originally I thought he was a plastic garden ornament he had been so motionless. Far nicer and more tasteful than a gnome.  Beautiful dove grey with neck ruffles of palest pearl grey.  And blame Dulux if the colours are the wrong way round - I have just spent time looking at paint charts to find the right descriptive words for him!  And black under his wings, with yellow rimmed eyes.

As for the moorhen I suspect he/she was avoiding the youngsters!  The canal was positively a moorhen youngster playground with them swimming in circles, running up and down the banks and plaintively cheeping at their parents. Or anyone's parents perhaps. This moorhen's deep red eyes, bright scarlet and bold yellow shield and smooth, dapper plumage were so close I could have stroked them.  Big yellow paddy feet.

And as the rain started to stair rod I saw that elusive electric blue arrow flash jet past me.  Yes, a kingfisher moment.  Not one moment, but two as he returned ten exultant minutes later.  So today's sermon was on generosity.  And I feel God's smile as I raised my hands in a victory shout of joy.

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