Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Tinsel and Turkey?

Rant warning

It's September.  I know Turkey farmers need to calculate how many birds of what size to raise, and toy stockists were ordering back in June - I used to work for a toy supplier.  But it is September, just past the first day of Autumn and despite last night's miserable Prime Ministerial performance Radio 4 is asking if Christmas will be affected/cancelled.  I admit to having bought most presents and some of the food but that is just usual prior planning.

If only.  I cannot see that encouraging home working and effectively trashing the economy, not to mention the shambolic farce that is Brexit will help us.  We don't know what will happen at the end of the week let alone at the end of 3 months.  And I guess that is biblical, today is all we have but finding thanks at the end of the day is sometimes a little bit of a strain!

I'm tired, and so it would seem are a lot of people. 


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