Sunday, November 17, 2019

Writer's block?

I've had a couple of months off writing.  And I am not sure quite why.  Somehow I think I have hammered myself into the ground like a tent peg in sunbaked soil.  A phone call from a concerned friend gave me a few pointers to the load I'd been trying to balance on my fairly narrow shoulders.  I cried with relief!  So nice to be listened to!  So here are the months more fun things.  I got my 2 mile swim medal, decorated with orange autumn leaves and little pumpkins and a funky tangerine ribbon.  Yesterday I learned my muscle heavy frame means my legs sink when I swim - which is one reason for a dreadful crawl stroke!  So many lengths over a month...

Meeting a long lost college friend and her lovely wife, and laughing, talking and oh eating - particularly iceland's version of cheesy posh potatoes. So good to catch up on 35 years of life.  I think that being fed and being listened to are my recipe to happiness.  It doesn't take much.

Being told by the "boys" at work that they want me to come to the drinking/pool playing/large roast dinner eating affair that is the factory non official Christmas meal, and being told that as a non drinker (ish) I was very welcome. And buying a new Christmas tree to replace the one that looks like a disfunctional toilet brush!!!!  Talking of which, I will never be quite the same after hearing yesterday that occupational therapist friend used nutella to teach bottom wiping to children!  A "nice dollop of it on plastic" hmmm what if they eat it?????? Oh dear another good reason but I do like nutella.

Books - what am I going to do now that Tombland is the last Shardlake book as the excellent CJ Sansom is so ill with cancer?  It's a brick of a book, but slow steady reading is such a joy, and I knew absolutely nothing about Kett's rebellion.

So I have broken the writer's block at long last...

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