Saturday, November 23, 2019

Weird wild weather

I caught this morning's deluge full on, that will serve me right for reading Tom Wright for an hour!!  What an excellent book and no, shamefully I got it in hardback from Amazon....I know!  An excellent biography of Paul the apostle and less dense and obscure than the last book of Tom's I tried (and failed) to read.

It's a fabulous historical "who-dunnit" of a book, tracking the man, his mission, his character and putting him in context.  And the book smells beautiful - I truly love sniffing books, always the first thing to do with a new book.  Quality ink and paper smell delicious, particularly hardback.  How sad to admit that.

So today the river that is the flood relief channel is a torrent of milk chocolate, covering the posts and decking of the new little bridge and sweeping down towards the mill on the Exe.  I watched four-swans-a-struggling across the basin by the waterfront.  Such bulky birds but they looked graceless and harrassed.  And then my friend and I watched seven or eight coots paddling for all they are worth to avoid being swept back down into the weir.  Little earnest things, the swirly currents kept sucking them back into the flow and one of them just let go and let themself be carried along.

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