We've had sporadic heating in the office and none (business as usual, poor blokes) in the factory and the bay doors all open. So cold. They wear woolly hats and fingerless gloves. And moan. The bosses don't seem to care or do anything - it's been like that for five years. Surely isn't legal.
So christmas chocolate biscuits from me lasted two days! I know it's not December yet but this year, for the first time in ages, I am excited about Christmas. Maybe because I get a decent holiday break, maybe because at last I am in a permanent stable job - no pun intended. The work is slowing down and the piles of metal are ending up in the paint shop and turn into HSBC, Greggs and Jobcentre plus frontages. It is really interesting to walk through from metal shop to decal application to despatch. I try to ask questions - what are you doing, what does this do, what project is this (95 signs for crossrail, all screenprinted the same)
I don't like dark mornings. Even back on medication. I feel more together but still have to prise myself out of bed, and I am grateful that I am having to learn to be a little gentle because God and I don't talk much in winter - he talks I suspect I grunt!!! But a lot of reading gets done.
I'm loving the Tom Wright on Paul book -see previous post. It must have been like walking on a tightrope, trying to reconcile his Jewish background with the explosion of Jesus-the-messiah honouring faith into the gentile/pagan world. How radical he was. All those women he worked with, all the households where the faith must have played absolute havoc with the power structures and norms and cultural festivals and practices..
I'm trying to turn my house into a tidy place that feels warm and welcoming for advent - I need to save for a new boiler and I know I need more windows, so it's budget and candles to tart the place up.
Cheap gentle light...
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