Sunday, May 19, 2019

Saving for a rainy day

I never thought it would be possible to even think of paying off my mortgage.  When I first bought this house, it was sadly neglected - the owner had left sealed up windows, a gas leak, doors hanging off.  I haven't done half the things I intended to do as limited cash flow goes to holidays, swim membership and paying bills! I've done the essentials and it is at least well painted.  I have always enjoyed mucking around with coloured paint and brushes.  But this month's mortgage statement shows me how long I have lived here - which shocks me.  And shows me that I could pay off the bill if I was prepared to be a little more thrifty this year.

Hence buying a coffee maker.  I did a little calculation on costa - and was duly impressed by the thought that capital investment meant I could save A LOT!  There's a funny thing with capital investment for me.  My family aren't wealthy and I remember the day (about 10 years ago?) I bought a very expensive paramo walking jacket.  My poor mother was horrified when I told her how much it cost.  And at the thin lightness of it.  "Doesn't look very warm"  Well, it is still going, despite a repair/rebuild and it keeps the rain out and the wind out and only needs a shirt and thinish fleece to be cosy.  Yes, it looks grubby and battered but it's done time rolled in a rucksack on a lot of walking holidays.  I recently bought a sat nav after realising that the navigating total anxiety that I have is stopping me having fun and that one easy way to solve it and increase my personal confidence (I love to drive and couldn't navigate my way out a paper bag) was to buy sat nav.  When I was a young christian I read "celebration of discipline" and somewhere along the way picked up the idea that buying stuff was a BAD THING.  But I've come to realise that a little careful spending can enhance a life.  Funnily enough I never feel guilty about holidays!

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