Sunday, February 17, 2019

Faith in the Fog

I'm reading Jeff Lucas' book "Faith in the Fog".  A book which puts the encounter of Jesus and Peter under the lens of a skillful writer with a reflective heart.  I'm loving it. Touching on disillusion, depression, shame and wrong beliefs about God, it is hitting where it hurts.  February is a diffident month, a month of snowdrops and sparkling mornings but also hazy dank soaked days like the one above.  When you wear a woolly hat walking at 7.30am not because it's cold but because dripping water vapour makes fine, baby soft hair turn into unruly spikes - just the look I want to cultivate at work!

Sometimes I feel like I am walking in fog in winter.  But I do need to enjoy moments like taking this photo.  Because it turned into a pretty decent day when the mists cleared.  I love reading books with my bookclub - they suggest ones like the author above that I have never heard of. Conversations open up with others when I'm caught, deep in a book in a public place.  Stealth evangelism is my style - I am always delighted and surprised when a book opens a conversation to a little deeper glimpse into someone's heart.

As a child I devoured books, as a adult I am not much better!

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