Friday, February 22, 2019

1st day of Spring?

Today started, spring-like with a walk to work watching signs: blossom, daffodils, catkins, birds calling in the trees to each other, furry magnolia buds fattening.  Spring is creeping along and it makes me chirrup with joy!  The darkness is going!!

I've had a day of slightly hysterical laughter, trying to figure out how I am supposed to know who has attended courses when they: use a different name at work/haven't updated their records/are called Janet but known as Gail/signed the attendance sheet in such a scrawl/share a name with at least four others.

To say nothing of the person who left their pink and blue unicorn patterned lunch bag - whose name is nothing like the one on our training database!  Her healthy lunch of crisps and chocolate had us beady eyed, clock watching as it ticked towards 4.30 and the bag hadn't been claimed...she turned up....ah well, yogurt and fruit was much nicer.

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