Friday, October 2, 2020

Unveiled Faces?

 Well it has caught up with Donald Trump and I am truly ashamed to realise my reaction to his Covid diagnosis wasn't "poor man" but serve him right! Hmmm, way to go for you Sal I think!  Maybe I should be praying for him!! Someone at work thought it was all a ploy to postpone the presidential election.

I've had that little bible phrase "we who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory" stuck in my head all week. Obviously a good one to remember and practice (see above)

At work we have had the regulations tightened up.  Masks are now compulsory in all areas except when we are behind our perspex screens, or, in my case, at the filing cabinet or scanner/printer.  Hello to tickling nose and steamed up glasses. Oh and forgetting you can't drink coffee wearing it. So I suspect that unveiled faces where we can see each others' expressions and in my poor dad's case, read their lips is on my mind.

We all - reflect his glory?  Because he made us?  A work of art - even if it's in progress, paint all over the floor, brushes stuck in jam jars, hand prints on the edges of the frame, clay slipping off the wheel yet again, stone chips flying and edged tools chunking. That's us.  But we reflect him.  Creator, craftsman, worker, potter, artist, writer and wordsmith.

When I write/take photographs/produce a meal - I "feel his pleasure" to crib a famous quote. I know the quote is Moses and his veil because he didn't want people to see the glory fade, but humour me, I have just taken the afternoon off to apply for a job and discovered the closing date is too quick and there are few, precious few jobs out there.  I'm fortunate to be working in a kind and generous place and to have a contract extension until the end of October.

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