Saturday, March 9, 2019

Blown Away

Blustery strong wind- the sort that makes a flapping sail of your trousers and jacket.  Today's fight uphill against body blasting breeze leaves me slightened deafened and feeling more alive than I have done the rest of the week.  Brean Down is more up than down, with the delightful surprise of an 18th century fort to discover and ramble around. My friend is so pleased that I have never been here and we "walk and talk" and lean on 20th century searchlight emplacement walls and dream.  Or at least I do.

Wind is cleansing, a healing relaxant.  So are bacon rolls and tea and a very unseasonal ice cream .  The first of the season.  March is a new month and such things need celebrating with morello cherry and white choc chip icecream.  Lent?  I promised to give up milk chocolate, not white or dark!!

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