Monday, October 1, 2018

Ice Cream days

It's a good photography technique I think, to add an object to give an idea of scale and majesty.  So here's the half eaten banana and toffee icecream against cirrus streaked blue Derbyshire sky.  It was really cold up there - a windy spot for a picnic on our first walking day.  A day that really called for hot chocolate I guess.  But it's the back end of Summer shading into Autumn proper and holidays call for ice cream.

Ice cream days fade when I come back home to the stink of broccoli as I'd forgotten to take the bin out before leaving for the holiday.  And although it was a beautiful holiday, I always feel a bit lost afterwards.  Several of us on the holiday were either long time single/divorced or widowed - though not all.  And that sense of not wanting to come home echoed.

I love my home, but next time, I think I will make a welcome home box with a bar of chocolate, library rented DVD and a beer..I actually came home to a card from a lovely friend with a note saying "go have coffee and cake" She knows me too well.  So I did. Next time I will remember to leave the house tidier and take painkillers before a four hour cramped seat on a train, huddled with my rucksack.  We diverted via Newport but at least I got home.  A couple of swims and the tedious back exercises are stretching out the cramps and a return to work will help with the transitory feeling which a week of company for breakfast and walking group banter leaves.  I am grateful for many things but singleness is my choice so I will find ways to carry it - at least it means that I can save viciously because I want to book another ramblers holiday next year!

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