Sunday, June 6, 2021


 LLF & G&T? The power of acronyms! 

This morning in costa I listened/watched/read the first session of the "Living in Love and Faith" in the booklet that goes with the course that the church of England is doing on modern relationships in all their glorious complexity! I have never liked to turn up to a session of anything unprepared and this starts on Thursday night.  Wednesday night is my "book group" for the Big church read which I seemed to have volunteered to lead - 3 friends, one book, one easy-peasy cheat sheet of questions...

Then I picked up the parents for their big, excellent adventure - a much anticipated and welcome break in Barnstaple. They love the hotel, the staff look after them well and, as they are increasingly tottery I am quite glad that they can potter around, enjoy some nice food and wine and raid Marks and Spencer and the local bookshops.  They love to sit in Queen Anne's cafe most mornings and play scrabble in the evening.  But how are they going to do the crossword without their crossword fiend - me?

How to scare a nervous passenger? Overtake a very dodgy motobike and sidecar combination that was weaving in and out the lanes, by hitting the gas and driving in the outside lane.  Mum says, fearfully, from the Command Chair next to me "what speed are we doing?" Um, 80ish at that point, but usually a nice steady 70.  I do try to be legal.  She says she is shutting her eyes!

We hit the link road and having asked Mum what the legal speed limit is (it's 60) so one up to me as she thinks it is either 50 or 70....glad it is me driving.  I teach her "car snooker" while Dad dozes happily in the back.  Spot a red car, colour car (pink/green/blue/brown/black/white(cue ball) red car etc until you either get bored or reach Barnstaple.  Dad is counting caravans/motor homes.

Bless them, I hate watching their tottery progress.  Getting back, I down 2 pints water, 2 cups of tea and a  tin mix of G&T before church. It's a frying hot day and I feel totally dehydrated and in need of fizzing bubbling low level alcoholic sustenance!

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